contributed by Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council
MODDC works to address the needs of Missourians with developmental disabilities and their families through disability rights advocacy, training activities and technical assistance, systems change to remove barriers, developing coalitions, encouraging citizen participation, and keeping policymakers informed about disability issues.
We are seeking YOUR input to help usidentify what YOU – individuals with developmental disabilities in Missouri and your families – believe are the extent of services and supports available AND what are the unmet needs for services, supports, and other assistance to individuals with disabilities and their families in our state. We will use the information you provide us to help shape the Goals, Objectives, and Activities in our next 5-Year Plan (2022-2026).
Your input is kindly requested no later than October 31, 2020.
Take the survey by clicking on this link:
Call us at MODDC if you would like assistance with filling out the survey or to request a hard copy: (573) 751-8611
Thank you!
Your. Voice. Matters.