Young at Heart Resources announces Silver Haired Legislature Elections
Older adults in Northwest Missouri have the opportunity to choose representatives from their respective areas for positions on the Young at Heart Resources Silver Haired Legislature. Elections for contested seats will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, for the ABCD Region which covers Andrew, Buchanan, Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess and DeKalb counties. Seniors must be at least 60 years of age and vote at a polling place in the county in which they reside. As all Area Agencies on Aging, Young at Heart Resources is a planning and service agency which is charged under the Older Americans Act with identifying and meeting a wide variety of needs of older adults who are at least 60 years of age, in its18-county service area in Northwest Missouri. They collaborate with other agencies to help determine seniors’ needs, identify resources, and make services available. They help locate the best resources to help older adults in a variety of situations. Andrew, Buchanan, Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess and DeKalb county residents may vote at the following locations listed below.
Absentee ballots are available for home-bound individuals who are unable to go to the polling place to vote, by calling Cindy Bratcher at 660-240-9400 or emailing Absentee ballots must be returned to the Albany office, postmarked on or before May 5, 2023.

Andrew County
Andrew County Council on Aging
12737 State Route E
Savannah, MO 64485
Buchanan County
5400 King Hill Ave
St. Joseph, MO 64504
Caldwell County
Senior Nutrition Center
113 N Main St
Polo, MO 64671
Clinton County
Young at Heart Resources
1304 N Walnut
Cameron, MO 64429
Daviess County
Daviess County Multi-Purpose Center
109 S Main St
Gallatin, MO 64640
Daviess County
Pattonsburg Multi-Purpose Center
401 Chestnut
Pattonsburg, MO 64670
DeKalb County
DeKalb County Senior Citizen Center
530 E Highway 6
Maysville, MO 64469
Get to know the 2023 Silver Haired Legislature candidates by visiting this post: