News November 6, 2024November 6, 2024 Young at Heart Resources is completing our annual Needs Assessments. 2024 Needs Assessment We are looking to identify the needs older adults in our community are experiencing to see how we can help. "*" indicates required fields 1. I have enough healthy food, or can buy enough healthy food to not be hungry each day.*Choose OneYesNo2. I have never had to choose between paying bills, purchasing medications or visiting a doctor in order to buy food.*Choose OneYesNoIf Yes to question 2, how often in the past 6 months? 3. I have transportation to all of my doctors and medical appointments.*Choose OneYesNo4. I have transportation to get to the grocery store, senior center or other places I need/want to go.*Choose OneYesNoIf Yes to question 4, who provides the transportation? 5. I am concerned about falling and injuring myself.*Choose OneYesNo6. I am an active member of my community.*Choose OneYesNo7. How many times in a month do you visit a senior center?*Choose One01-56-1010+8. I have someone to call whenever I need help or just want someone to talk to.*Choose OneYesNo9. My home is safe and easy for me to get around in and is not in need of repairs.*Choose OneYesNo10. I know who to contact to find out about services or programs in my area to help me stay safe, healthy and independent in my home.*Choose OneYesNo11. I, or someone I know, has been a victim of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.*Choose OneYesNo12. Outdoor recreation spaces in my community such as sidewalks, parks and walking tails are safe and appropriate for me to use.*Choose OneYesNo13. I see a dentist for a check-up at least once a year.*Choose OneYesNo14. I provide care on at least a weekly basis for someone who is elderly, disabled or a minor child to help them stay safe and healthy.*Choose OneYesNoIf Yes to question 14, do you care for a person who is:ElderlyDisabledA Minor Child15. Of the services below, please select the ones you have personnaly used in your community, if any. (Select all that apply)* Home Delivered meals Meals at the Senior Center Transportation Information and Referral – Area Agency on Aging Disease Prevention and Health Promotion fitness classes Fall prevention classes Education programs (fraud prevention, healthy living, etc.) Volunteer opportunities Home maintenance and Repair Help paying bills (rent, fuel, insurence) Health Care Oral Care Family Caregiver services Legal services Nursing Home Residents rights In-home services (homemaker, personal care, respite) Affordable Housing Alzheimer’s or other Dementia services Other If you selected "Other" to question 15, please state what services you personally use. 16. Of the services below, please select the ones that you have tried to use, but were not available in your area. (Select all that apply)* Home Delivered meals Meals at the Senior Center Transportation Information and Referral – Area Agency on Aging Disease Prevention and Health Promotion fitness classes Fall prevention classes Education programs (fraud prevention, healthy living, etc.) Volunteer opportunities Home maintenance and Repair Help paying bills (rent, fuel, insurance) Health Care Oral Care Family Caregiver services Legal services Nursing Home Residents rights In-home services (homemaker, personal care, respite) Affordable Housing Alzheimer’s or other Dementia services Other If you selected "Other" to question 16, please state what services were not available. 17. Of the services below, please select the services you feel you or your loved one will need to help you remain in your home. (Select all that apply)* Home Delivered meals Meals at the Senior Center Transportation Information and Referral – Area Agency on Aging Disease Prevention and Health Promotion fitness classes Fall prevention classes Education programs (fraud prevention, healthy living, etc.) Volunteer opportunities Home maintenance and Repair Help paying bills (rent, fuel, insurance) Health Care Oral Care Family Caregiver services Legal services Nursing Home Residents rights In-home services (homemaker, personal care, respite) Affordable Housing Alzheimer’s or other Dementia services Other If you selected "Other" to question 17, please state what services you feel are needed. Demographic Questions1. What is your age?*Choose One60-6465-7475-8485 or older2. What is your gender?*Choose OneMaleFemale3. In which of the following counties do you reside?*Choose OneAndrewAtchisonBuchananCaldwellClintonDaviessDekalbGentryGrundyHarrisonHoltLinnLivingstonMercerNodawayPutnamSullivanWorthEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ